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Ndlhovu - Elephant by Lynn De Lacey

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ARTIST NOTES: Canvas print. Ndlhovu - the elephant matriarchs lead the herd through drought and famine to the best waterholes and can travel 50 kilometers or more a day. They pass their knowledge and wisdom to the younger members of the group through the years. These gentle giants are very protective toward any they consider family. Thankyou for buying a canvas print directly from the artist.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 91.00 cm X Width - 122.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Ink on Canvas
GENRE African
REGISTERED NRN # 000-41084-0137-01
COPYRIGHT © Lynn De Lacey


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Artist: Lynn De Lacey



Born in Africa, ! grew up being immersed in the creation of nature on canvas, and veiwed it in all its extraordinary variety, depth, and luminescence, as constantly inspirational. Being on Zafari with my camera and sketch books is one of my favorite pastimes.

As a child, in remote areas in the African savannah, I had plenty of time to study nature and was never without my pencils and paints.  My artworks were always encouraged by my mother and grandmother, who were both artists in their own right. My early aspirations were rewarded with many First, Second and Third prizes .

Living in a land where extreme poverty or wealth existed side by side, or where kindness and compassion were constant companions to cruelty, life was never dull. As I grew older, war ravaged the land, and my life took many twists and turns before I could finally pursue my passion for art and painting as a mature adult.

Now, living in peace in a village in the Tweed Valley in Australia, I paint & draw my beautiful rainforest surroundings, seascapes and sometimes, my earlier memories. I pursue my passion for creative art, gratefully.