We are looking forward to 2025 art show submissions, commencing on the 1st November!

Sunset Sessions 2 by Violetta Misiorek

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ARTIST NOTES: Finding your inner peace requires accepting your imperfections.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 65.00 cm X Width - 152.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Oil on Stretched Canvas
GENRE Contemporary
REGISTERED NRN # 000-41209-0140-01
COPYRIGHT © Violetta Misiorek


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Artist: Violetta Misiorek


In my works I like to create balance in chaos, movement in stillness and beauty in imperfection. I am inspired by nature in particular by trees and flowers to create something original without restricting myself to any particualr style. 

I have a curious mind that likes to explore and find connections between seemigly unrelated things and concepts. I love how I can plan a painting in my head but I have to feel it in my heart. 

I have Masters Degree in mathematical and information sciences but I have been also painting for many years. I come from a creative family on my fathers side and it was only natural that I pick up a brush at some stage in my life. 

All my paintings are an image of what I feel with my heart as I do not paint what I see; I paint what I feel.
My hope and wish is that they will make you feel something too... that they will make you experience emotions that you did not know you had.. and that they will help you see more beauty around you.. 

Victorian Artists Society
Ringwood Art Society
Contemporary Art Society Victoria