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Twilight by Ben Musgrove

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ARTIST NOTES: Twilight is painted in acrylic. It has soft cool green tones interpreting the stillness of the morning which is contrasted by the warmth imposed by the arriving sunrise and the incoming tide.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 91.50 cm X Width - 91.50 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Acrylic on Canvas
GENRE Impressionist
REGISTERED NRN # 000-41363-0151-01
COPYRIGHT © Ben Musgrove


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Artist: Ben Musgrove


I have lived in Melbourne all my life and I have always had a passion to be creative.

As a child growing up on a farm in the Yarra Valley, I was exposed to the impact that changing weather conditions and seasons have on a rural environment. Combining this with my passion for the sea, I love capturing the effects of light on the landscape, sea and sky.  I am motivated by freshness and colour with an emphasis on movement.  I studied practical and visual art at school and university and I am a very keen photographer and sculptor (using wire).